Number of infected reached 70 thousand, death toll reached 23

70 हजार पहुंची संक्रमितों की संख्या, मौत का आंकड़ा पहुंचा 23 के करीब

केन्द्रीय स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय ने कहा कि देश में सक्रिय कोरोना संक्रमितों की संख्या 46,008 है और 22,454 लोग ठीक हो चुके हैं। देश में अब तक लगभग 31.73 प्रतिशत मरीज ठीक हो चुके हैं। देश में एक ही दिन में कुल 87 मौतें दर्ज की गई है। इसमें सबसे ज्यादा मौत महाराष्ट्र में हुई है।

Mamta sees politics in meeting with PM, Center is doing politics
84 fresh cases of corona reached in a single day, four thousand reached
WHO praises Modi government, India's move is favorable
Taxi auto-rickshaw are returning to their original place
Uddhav filled the Legislative Council election form, know what happened to Congress and Shiv Sena
More than four thousand cases in a single day, number of infected reaches 67
Corona havoc continues in Maharashtra, number of infected reaches 22,171
25 thousand corona can be infected in Uttarakhand!
Number of infected reached 1823 in Punjab, 67% cases related to Nanded
Rajasthan Police is passing migrants borders on UP-Rajasthan border
PM Narendra Modi will meet with states CM amid lockdown
Niazi and Bajwa are in awe, Pakistan increased air security
up government planning to start liquor's home delivery
war began between mamta and governor in west bangal
corona cases surges in west bangal, mamta blame centre
corona crisis, infected pigure surged 62 thousand, 2 thousand death
BJPs sharp face on Rahul, the difference of ground between Rahul Baba's mother's PMO and Modi's PMO
Uddhav came under pressure from Congress and NCP, difficult to get elected MLC unopposed
Didi is not allowing laborers to come to Bengal in protest against the Center
Souls locked in locker will now get freedom
Why Singhvi is giving clarification about joining BJP
Coronas havoc: Number of infected reached 60 thousand, 95 died in 24 hours